Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm Pregnant!!! Yippeeee!!!

I won't be following any form of diet plan for the next 9 months or so as I discovered at the weekend that I am pregnant. We are over the moon. I was beginning to think that it would never happen for us. Bubba is due 29th January 2010 and we can't wait.

So far I am retching lots and feeling sick so not eating much anyway. I will carry on eating healthily even though I won't be following the weight watchers plan.

Thanks to everyone who has ever commented on here. I will be concentrating on my pregnancy blog now but will get back on track once bubba is here!!


Friday, May 22, 2009

End of first week weigh in at weight watchers!!!

Today was weigh in day and I was shocked to discover that I had actually lost 3.5 lb since my weigh in last Thursday. So I am now 18 stone 7.5 lb. Am on my way. Yay!!

I'm really pleased with that too as I had a terrible weekend with food and went hugely over my points. I then had to really cut back my points Mon, Tues and Wed to get out of negative points. I am pleased it worked though as I was worried I might even have put on this week.

I lost 4 lb the week before that too before I rejoined weight watchers.

So here we go:

Start weight: 19 st 1 lb
Weigh in: 14/5/09: - 4 lb (18 st 11 lb)
Weigh in: 21/5/09: - 3.5 lb (18 st 7.5 lb)

I'm going out with a friend on Wednesday for lunch and so will spend tomorrow planning my meals for the rest of the week so that I can enjoy lunch.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fate lends a hand!!

Well I had been really good all day today. I had quorn burgers for lunch in ww pitta bread with grilled mushrooms and tomatoes and salad. Delicious and very filling. DH got in from work and decided to order an indian takeaway. My resolve broke and I ordered Chicken Tikka Masala with one Chappatti.

Normally when I have curry I dip the chappatti into the masala sauce then have a couple of mouthfuls before the spicyness catches up with me and I can eat no more lol!!

Anyway tonight my curry arrived and I was really looking forward to it and was really hungry. I dipped my chappatti into the sauce and..... YUK!!! It was horrible!! It was much more sour than I remember and the worst curry I have ever had. I ended up just eating half the chappatti. Still at least it saved me from a diet disaster lol!!

Am feeling peckish now but as I have 8 points left for today am sure I can find something to fill me up lol!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rejoined Weight Watchers

I decided to rejoin weight watchers this morning. I think the support of a weekly meeting will be invaluable and help keep me on track. I bought a monthly pass so I have no excuses not to go to class each week for weigh in. I am determined to succeed.

So for the purposes of following weight watchers my starting weight was 18 stone 11 lbs wearing my jeans, belt and jumper so will make sure I wear the same clothes each week from now on!!

I am on 27 points per day and today has been great.

I had ordered wii fitness coach and it arrived today. I could only manage 15 minutes and the sweat was pouring off me!! I am going to do at least 15 minutes on there everyday and hope to extend it to 2 x 15 min sessions soon. It was hard work but I felt really good at the end and glad I did!!! The kids are doing the yoga on it at the moment lol!!

My reasons for losing weight are pretty much the same but I feel more determined to succeed than ever. I am desperately wanting another baby and I want to not be so unfit and the biggest mum in the playground!!

I will get there!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm Back!!

I have badly neglected this blog so far this year. I have been completely off the wagon. I have been avoiding going near scales but finally have got back on track this morning.

I have been watching the biggest loser on ITV and it has helped give me the kick I need to get myself sorted out for good. I have joined their forum and am hoping to shift the weight once and for all.

I have decided to start again with a new blog at www.biggestloseruk.blogspot.com as I have decided not to follow weightwatchers. I am going to be more calorie counting and eating healthily.

I will do this!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year - New Me!!!!!

I haven't exactly been 'good' these last few days but have now drawn a line under it and will be weighing in at the scales at Boots Chemist tomorrow so I can move on and get back on with shifting as much weight as possible this year.

I have made new year's resolutions which I am determined to keep all year:

* Make sure I drink my water everyday all 2 litres of it!!!

* Make better food choices and eat more healthily

* Exercise minimum 3 times a week - walking, exercise dvd, hopefully join gym (local sports centre gym is £20 membership and then pay as you go! and hopefully dh will join with me!)

* Keep on top of the washing. Do a load of laundry a day to keep the washing basket empty!

* Update my blog everyday as it really does help me stay sane and keeps me on track!!

* Plan my meals and track everything!!

* Lose weight which the above will help achieve.

At the end of 2009 I would love to have either:

a) Reached my goal weight (106lb to go!!)
b) Have had a baby
or c) Be pregnant!!

If one of those could happen than 2009 will have been a great year!!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year to All!!


Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness in 2009!! Happy new year!!